Organized Chapters
HQ & Field Offices
Counties with Members
The 100
Our first 100 charter members are known as "The 100" and can be identified by their lapel pins at meetings. We're now busy recruiting our second group of one hundred members. Our membership is our foundation.
Become an OCC Member
To Become a Member
1. Read the relevant section of our bylaws for qualifications. Must be a registered Republican age 18 or over in the state of Oregon for full membership. Associate memberships available for out-of-state supporters.
2. Fill out and submit the application below along with the $25 membership payment.
OR... Print, fill out and mail in the application form HERE along with your check for $25 made out to Oregon Conservative Caucus.
The Process
3. We will review your application for approval. A brief interview may be conducted and references may be requested.
4. Upon approval, you'll be connected with your nearest county chapter. If no chapter exists, you will have access individually to all member benefits except those associated with meetings until one is formed.
5. If your membership is declined, your online payment will be refunded minus a $7.50 processing fee. Submitted checks will be destroyed. We do not accept money orders.
To Form a New Chapter
1. A minimum of the seven (7) required members to launch each chapter shall complete steps 1-3 above.
2. A designated liaison from among them shall email the OCC with the contact information of those founding members. We'll be in touch and guide you from there!
Relevant Bylaws Section
ARTICLE V — Chapter Membership Section 1 — Qualifications. Any active registered Republican voter in the state of Oregon, age 18 or older, may apply for membership. Members are not considered voting corporate members, members of the Board of Directors, or Advisory Board members. All chapter memberships shall be determined without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, veteran status, or disability. Membership may be denied or revoked at the discretion of the Chair or by a majority vote of the Board of Directors in situations that may include but are not limited to: court orders preventing contact with other existing members, perceived security threats to members or the organization, or members who engage or threaten to engage in disruptive behavior preventing the function of OCC or its chapters. Members may be removed for nonpayment of dues, publicly advocating against the platform or mission of OCC, or failure to uphold and/or harm the policies and objectives of this chapter or organization. Paid membership fees will not be refunded in the event of member removal. Section 2 — Dues. The annual membership fee is $25 per member, due in full to OCC at the time of application approval. The membership fee for Associate Members is $20 per annum. Section 3 — Associate Members. Registered Republicans residing outside the state of Oregon may choose to support OCC by becoming an Associate Member. Associate Members will have all membership benefits, but may neither hold a leadership position nor vote in chapter activities. Section 4 — Benefits. Members may attend chapter meetings, hold leadership positions, and vote within their chapters. Members will have free access to the members-only forum on the OCC web site, any newsletters, and numerous training sessions provided by OCC either online or in person at meetings. Members shall have early access to any ticket sales or VIP opportunities at OCC-hosted events. ARTICLE VI — County Chapters Section 1 — Composition. A county chapter must be composed of at least seven (7) members, all current in their dues and with OCC-approved memberships. Each chapter shall have one President, one Vice President, one Secretary, and one Treasurer. Each chapter shall have one Registration Director, one Recruitment Director, and one Get out the Vote Director. No member of the leadership team shall hold more than one of these positions simultaneously. Section 2 — Name and Logo. County chapters will each be named according to the following format: “Oregon Conservative Caucus of {Insert County}.” OCC-approved chapters are authorized to use OCC’s name, acronym, and logo in conjunction with the chapter’s name. OCC will be the sole owner of the Oregon Conservative Caucus name, acronym, and logo. Individual chapter logos must be requested of and provided by OCC. Chapters are expected to use their official name for social media accounts, bank accounts, advertising, and all other promotional purposes. Section 3 — Obligations. A. Upon formation and approval, chapters will operate under the bylaws as established herein. Operations shall be in accordance with 501(c)(4) guidelines. Chapters found to be in violation of Section 3:A or participating in unseemly conduct not befitting the corporation will be disassociated from OCC, in which case all privileges held by that chapter and its members will be revoked. Chapters and members will be aware that any already-paid fees will not be refunded in this circumstance. B. Chapters are required to meet at least six (6) times per year. Monthly meetings are strongly preferred. The Chapter Secretary must provide all members with a meeting notice and agenda on behalf of the Chapter President no less than two weeks (14 days) prior to each scheduled meeting. The President may call an emergency meeting for a single, stated purpose with three (3) days’ notice; no other business aside from the stated purpose may be conducted at any special meeting. C. Each chapter pledges to spend a minimum of ten (10) volunteer hours per month cumulative among its members dedicated to registering new Republican voters. For example, if a chapter has 20 members, five of those members could walk door to door for two hours each, or each of the 20 members could do the same for half an hour to achieve the goal. The total number of new voters registered shall be reported at the end of each calendar month to OCC regardless of whether that chapter has held an official meeting during that month. D. Chapters are encouraged but not required to participate in local community and civic events. E. Chapters may, with the guidance of OCC, each form a separate PAC with the Oregon Secretary of State’s Office, open a bank account and raise funds to promote the mission of the OCC and that local chapter. Chapters shall not donate such funds directly to any candidate for office unless that candidate has been officially endorsed or the donation approved in a majority vote by the OCC Board of Directors. Speakers featured at publicly held chapter events must be pre-approved by OCC corporate. Section 4 — Tenure and Elections. A. Officer elections shall be held in December of each year with officers elected by a majority vote of the full chapter membership. Election meetings shall be closed to all guests. A quorum of at least a simple majority of the membership must be present to conduct elections or any other business requiring a vote. Officers shall serve for one full calendar year beginning January 1. The number of terms served is not limited. B. Candidates for leadership positions must declare their candidacy no less than two (2) weeks (14 days) prior to the election date. The Secretary must make the names of officer candidates available to all voting members in writing no less than one week (7 days) prior to the election. C. Removal. Chapter officers may be removed from their position mid-term by the OCC Board of Directors, OR by a 2/3 vote of voting members in the chapter. Removal from an officer position does not mean automatic removal as an OCC chapter member. In the event of an officer removal or resignation, the vacancy shall be filled by a nomination and majority vote of approval among the remaining voting members of the chapter. The Board of Directors may at any time remove a member per the reasons outlined in Article V: Section 1. Section 5 — Leadership Team Duties. A. President. •Call and preside over meetings. •Coordinate activities within the chapter. •Act as a liaison between the chapter, OCC’s Board of Directors, and outside entities. •Attend functions that require a chapter representative. •Work with other officers to determine the overall direction of the chapter. •Report to the Board of Directors. •Serve as a signatory on the chapter’s bank account. •Submit an annual budget, while working in conjunction with the Treasurer, for membership approval. B. Vice President. •Carry out any duties of the President in the event of absence or inability to carry them out. •Temporarily replace the President in the event of the President’s removal or resignation. •Maintain decorum at meetings. •Serve as an additional signatory on the chapter’s bank account, if needed. •Conduct credentialing of members at the door as they enter meetings and provide that report to the Secretary. C. Secretary. •Maintain a list of all active chapter members with contact information, and ensure OCC is consistently provided all current information. •Keep minutes of meetings. •Maintain chapter documents, including an inventory list of any chapter property. •Send correspondence to membership at the request of the President. •Maintain social media accounts, and appoint one or more additional admin(s) from amongst the membership for each as backup. D. Treasurer. •Serve as a signatory on the chapter’s bank account. •Manage the finances of the chapter and report to the chapter membership each meeting. •Ensure debts are paid and deposits made on time. •Comply with all state elections and reporting requirements, including Orestar. •Assist the President in all budget preparation. E. Registration Director. •Coordinate and schedule required voter registration activities each month. •Communicate with the local County Clerk’s Office regarding walking lists as needed. •Deliver any completed paper registration forms to the local County Clerk. •Maintain a report detailing the number of new Republican registrations achieved and from which party they transferred, if any. Provide this report to chapter officers for the Secretary to keep and the President to report to OCC. Report to membership these results at each meeting. F. Recruitment Director. •Build the chapter’s membership base by promoting the purpose of the chapter and recruiting new members at every opportunity. G. Get out the Vote Director. •Communicate with the local County Clerk’s Office regarding call lists at election time. •Sign up as a poll watcher with the County Clerk, if spaces are available, during each major election to observe the process and report observations back to the chapter membership. •Coordinate volunteers from inside the chapter to remind Republicans who have not yet turned in their ballots to vote. Section 6 — Endorsements. OCC must follow carefully all laws pertaining to the extent of political involvement as a 501(c)4 and preserve the integrity of its vision. Therefore, chapters shall never independently endorse any candidate running for public office unless that candidate is expressly endorsed by the OCC, or an endorsement request has been approved by the Board of Directors. Leaders of the chapter may endorse candidates in their personal time, but may not do so on behalf of the chapter, nor may leaders use their chapter title in any personal candidate endorsements. Chapters may not campaign for specific political candidates or aid selected political campaigns in any manner without prior permission from OCC. Leaders and members of the chapter are encouraged to do these activities in their personal time, but may not do so on behalf of the chapter. Chapters may make recommendations to OCC’s Board, who may vote to engage in or give permission to engage in such activities on a case by case basis in compliance with state and federal laws. Section 7 — Guests. Guest invitations should be officially extended through the Chapter’s Recruitment Director and relayed to other chapter officers after it has been determined to the best of the Recruitment Director’s ability that a potential member is qualified to apply for membership under Article V, Section I. Guests are limited to ONE meeting after which they may not attend another meeting without becoming a fully approved member. A maximum of five guests are allowed at any given meeting. Section 8 — Other Organizations. No chapter shall affiliate during events, projects, etc. with any organization that is not officially recognized by the Board of Directors as working in concert with the OCC. Section 9 — Training and Education. OCC will provide relevant, quality educational opportunities to members, either at chapter meetings or via statewide Zoom calls at no additional expense to members. All members and chapters are encouraged to participate regularly. Education with unique training opportunities will be a cornerstone of the OCC and its chapters. Member chapters are encouraged to recommend and request additional training topics. Section 10 — Chapter Dues. Members of chapters with PACs and bank accounts, may, through a majority vote, adopt chapter dues separate from OCC annual membership dues, as they deem appropriate (by a majority vote of all chapter members) for their chapter’s fundraising. ARTICLE VII — Rewards Program Each year, the county chapter achieving the highest number of new registered voters will receive statewide acknowledgment with a reward to be determined and announced by the Board of Directors. Additional incentive programs may be implemented and outlined in policies and procedures. ARTICLE VIII — Other Corporate Activities Section 1 — Candidate Education. The OCC may launch an educational “bootcamp” module to provide training and knowledge to potential grassroots candidates. Section 2 — Events. OCC may host large-scale annual events as well as other smaller events throughout the year.
Become an Expert
Training and education classes are free with membership and participation in local chapters. That information will be presented to members both in-person and virtually at chapter meetings, annual events, special events, and inside our members-only forum. Members will hear from members of The OCC 13, our directors, and other special contributors considered experts in their subjects.
Additional course modules will be offered here for purchase for non-members at a future date.
Become a Leader
The OCC isn't a short-term project. This is the long-game. Once our membership base has reached a threshold determined by our directors with chapters established across most counties in our state, and a steady stream of events and educational materials accessible to our members, we'll launch additional campaign strategy and leadership programs tailored toward conservative community leaders with a desire to run for public office. Look for more information on this phase of our organization in late 2025.